Vibrant Living Conversations
LET's LIVE VIBRANTLY! As a life coach whose goal is to empower women to live their best lives, I’m excited to bring you tools, tips + local experts to help you ditch the autopilot living + glow from the inside-out by stepping into your true power -- who you are, what matters to you, + how you want to dance through this life, root to crown!
Vibrant Living Conversations
#51 Tara, TaraPinLynne: Intuitive Energetics | Reiki - Self Healing with Life Force Energy
For this interview, I am talking with Tara Pratt of TaraPinLynne Intuitive Energetics. She believes in working with her clients as a conduit of pure love + light to support them on their own healing journey. Our conversation flows from Tara’s own story of, “bringing herself back to herself” in self-love + -trust, to how living from her own intuition has healed relationships + brought vast opportunities to her life. We also dive more into what Reiki is + what to expect during a session, including some of Tara’s very own aura sprays! Find Tara at TaraPinLynne Intuitive Energetics at tarapinlynne.com
Her Vibrant Living inspirations include:
- Mercedes Leahy at She is Vested, sheisvested.com
- Hannah Talbot, Anam Cara Healing Center, anamcarahealing.center
- Kitara Johnson-Jones, Community Education and Empowerment Center, kitarajohnson.com
- Evie Fatz, Copow (colorful + powerful) Food, copow.com
Find me, + the episode, either audio or video, through my website gemmapuddy.com. I would greatly appreciate it, if you would share + like the episodes so that more people can be inspired. And remember you can always watch these conversations on my YouTube Channel.
Are you craving to break through into a new way of thinking, feeling + living in the world? To move into the more aligned + vibrant version of you?! I’d LOVE to take that journey with you! Visit my website, gemmapuddy.com, or DM me through any one of my channels.
Sending all the love, light and vibrancy!
Be sure to sign up for my newsletter at www.gemmapuddy.com, watch my videos on YouTube @vibrantlivingwithgemma, + follow me on IG @vibrantlivingwithgemma + @vibrantliving_conversations for my programs + more tips on living fully from your own power!
Sending all the love, light + vibrancy!
I am vibrant. I am worthy. I am free. I am me.