Vibrant Living Conversations

#50 Jaki Waldvogel, Human Design | Living By Your Authentic Design

August 23, 2024 Gemma Puddy Season 4 Episode 50

My third + final conversation of the 50th interview celebration is with Jaki Waldvogel, Human Design Guide. I interviewed her for episode 21 in 2021 where we talk more broadly about Human Design. Since then, Jaki has been living more + more through her own design to align with her innate ways. We dive into how she has found a partner who makes her feel loved + seen like never before; how she cherishes parenting, her now teenagers, with the language + understanding of their design; + how she brings somatic, energy, + design practices into her daily life to stay aligned while continuing to learn more about honoring herself in this world, mind-body-soul!   

Find Jaki:

Find me, + the episode, either audio or video, through my website I would greatly appreciate it, if you would share + like the episodes so that more people can be inspired. And remember you can always watch these conversations on my YouTube Channel

I am also incredibly excited to be taking one-on-one coaching clients. If you are craving to break through into a new way of thinking, feeling + living in the world + are interested in taking that journey with me, please visit my website,, or DM me through any one of my channels. 

Sending all the love, light + vibrancy!

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter at, watch my videos on YouTube @vibrantlivingwithgemma, + follow me on IG @vibrantlivingwithgemma + @vibrantliving_conversations for my programs + more tips on living fully from your own power!

Sending all the love, light + vibrancy!


I am vibrant. I am worthy. I am free. I am me.