Vibrant Living Conversations

#47 Torey Routson, Release Float Spa | Ocean-like floating for your soul

Gemma Puddy Season 4 Episode 47
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00:00 | 56:45

Release Float Spa is the only float spa in north Idaho! This conversation with the lovely owner, Torey Routson, leads us on a journey to understand what a float spa is, the amazing benefits of being in the 2,000 lbs plus of epsom salts for an hour or more, + to hear real stories of how floating is changing lives. 

Torey is real, vulnerable + magical. Like us all, she has her own story of overcoming, + comes to this conversation with a fun + authentic vibe. Can't wait for you to listen + let us know how you  like floating! xo

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Sending all the love, light + vibrancy!


I am vibrant. I am worthy. I am free. I am me.