Vibrant Living Conversations

#44 Marylou Moglia, Face Yoga Unveiled | Exercising Your Face as a Beautiful Flower

October 04, 2023 Gemma Puddy

For this interview, I am talking with Marylou Moglia of Face Yoga Unveiled. She is a radiant energy, who taught small children in her former career, + who now brings this somewhat untapped practice to our region. Marylou + I discuss the ins + outs of face yoga - the history, benefits, practice - how she got into teaching it + how she loves it as a tool for empowering women to connect with their own beauty from the inside-out.

Her local Vibrant Living inspirations include the community of holistically minded women who she has connected with here in North Idaho. 

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Sending all the love, light + vibrancy!


I am vibrant. I am worthy. I am free. I am me.