Vibrant Living Conversations
LET's LIVE VIBRANTLY! As a life coach whose goal is to empower women to live their best lives, I’m excited to bring you tools, tips + local experts to help you ditch the autopilot living + glow from the inside-out by stepping into your true power -- who you are, what matters to you, + how you want to dance through this life, root to crown!
Vibrant Living Conversations
Your Life Movie: Let's Watch!
I was thinking about the first step of coaching, which I like to consider judgement-free observation. I like to have clients take some time to observe how they are living now:
* How are you spending your time?
* Who are you spending it with?
* How are you nourishing your body, mind, soul, + spirit?
* How are you feeling throughout the day?
* How are you energetically showing up?
It’s very easy to say that you are fine, that life is fine, all is good. But until you step back to observe + acknowledging how you are living + currently feeling, the busy autopilot living that ends with you crashing into bed or zoning out the day, keeps you in that safe yet status-quo blur.
A fun, funny way to observe your life is to produce it into a movie or play or whatever appeals to you, that you can watch from the balcony or front row seats with popcorn or chocolate covered raisins…+ a journal.
1. First of all, + my favorite, pick your character’s actress or actor. Who would emulate you?! (Don’t overthink this, who immediately comes to mind? Trust that gut instinct, + we can analyze it more later. I m suspecting that this person has the pizzazz, style, + radiance in the world that your soul is magnetized by.)
* For me, it was Kate Winslet. Yes, she is British + brunette, + she also has this classy, subtly sassy edge that seems to glow more + more as she ages - heck yes, please!
2. Now, choose a day in the past week that you’d like to watch, outline it in your journal:
* Woke just before the alarm, went for a run.
* Had time for a relaxing shower.
* Dressed in my fave summer dress, prepped my green juice, listened to inspiring podcast on way to work.
* Focused on the top priorities + took time to start with a meditation + break for a mini yoga session, Etc.
3. Now go through that outline as if you were watching a movie. Of course, I’m so predictable, my movie basis is The Holiday, let s say from the Los Angeles house, hehe. (Let yourself dream, have fun, imagine life from a magical setting). Yes, we are still watching your life, but it s also an opportunity to massage those sacral + third-eye chakra that crave to honor your deep desires, + dreams for your life.
4. So…watching my life unravel on this day, in observation + now reflection, too.
* How does she navigate the day?
* What awesome or not-so awesome things does she have going on, with who she is, how her life is, etc?
* Does she live radiantly, stopping to smell the roses? Or in an Eeyore energy?
* Does she live in her own power or the shadow of other peoples?
* Where is her focus?
* Cherish the things that matter to her? Does she even know what matters to her?
* How does she treat herself? Her body? Is there a friendship there?
* How does she treat and respond to the key people in her life? Her family, coworkers, friends, loved ones?
* What causes her stress, joy, frustration, excitement, peace?
* What rocks her focus?
* Is she the leading lady of her own life?
* What should haves, would haves, wishes, or ahas are arising?
* What feelings + thoughts come up for you as you watch the movie?
The point of this is to learn t
Be sure to sign up for my newsletter at www.gemmapuddy.com, watch my videos on YouTube @vibrantlivingwithgemma, + follow me on IG @vibrantlivingwithgemma + @vibrantliving_conversations for my programs + more tips on living fully from your own power!
Sending all the love, light + vibrancy!
I am vibrant. I am worthy. I am free. I am me.