Vibrant Living Conversations

Be the Author. Write Your Chapters. Design Your Life.

June 16, 2023 Gemma Puddy Season 3

Life Chapters...What are they? Yes, the chapters of your life that your kids, grandkids, + future authors will piece together in the biography of YOU!

These chapters are your life journey - your evolution from root to crown, aligning inside-out, getting to know yourself, leaving your YOUness in the world for the better. 

Looking back, each chapter is an opportunity to understand the stories that you are telling yourself, the habits that you took on to survive, + how you were shaped into the person you are.

Looking to now + the future, your chapters are opportunities to grow, redirect, align to live from the inside-out, rather than the outside-in. To dance in your True power as you intentionally write the rest of your story. 

  • What lessons did you learn from each chapter, for good or bad?

  • How did it shape your view of yourself? Of the world? 

  • How did it shape your path forward?

  • Is there any healing that needs to be done?

  • Loose ends that you are still living out or holding onto? 

And of course, I love to do all of this reflecting through the framework of the chakras. Because as a life coach, I see them as a tool to design a holistic life — physically, emotionally, energetically, + spiritually. 

Are you ready to step into your power to write + dance through your next chapters as  the True You?

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter at, watch my videos on YouTube @vibrantlivingwithgemma, + follow me on IG @vibrantlivingwithgemma + @vibrantliving_conversations for my programs + more tips on living fully from your own power!

Sending all the love, light + vibrancy!


I am vibrant. I am worthy. I am free. I am me.