Vibrant Living Conversations
LET's LIVE VIBRANTLY! As a life coach whose goal is to empower women to live their best lives, I’m excited to bring you tools, tips + local experts to help you ditch the autopilot living + glow from the inside-out by stepping into your true power -- who you are, what matters to you, + how you want to dance through this life, root to crown!
Vibrant Living Conversations
"Crazy Busy"...How Are Your Defining Your Life?
What words, thoughts, + feelings do you allow to fill your conscious + come out of your mouth about your life?
When someone asks you how your day is, or how you are doing…what does your mind pull you into?
The negative? We are definitely in a pandemic of hurry + anxiety…why?
Have we stopped doing things that light us up?
Or are we trying to do so many things that even the ones that light us up feel heavy? We have to be doing some things that are meaningful to us, right? I certainly hope so!
And the tasks that truly feel burdensome must have some value for us to actually still be doing them, right? Like keeping us safe or stable in some way.
And what are we racing for? What will success look like? When can we stop racing + slow down to smell the roses? What would slowing down look like? How would that feel, + would your racing habits be able to cherish the peace?
For now, how would the energy simply shift in your life if you started using terms like full + rich, meaningful, cozy, fully alive, or vibrant, to define your life? Can you feel the tension lift, feel your jaw loosen, feel your heart beam, + feel the gratitude for your life rise? Would you feel less compelled to keep barreling forward through even the fun aspects of your life?
Don’t those terms give you some of your power + intention back? They give you the ownership that life may be “full, rich, + fast” as I like to say, but yes, I am designing my life with meaningful elements. Rather than feeling like I am at the whim of outside powers.
This change in terminology may come with much needed reflection of what you are filling your time with + why it is important to you. Once you know that, it’s easier to put a loving label on it.
If your life is full of busyness that doesn’t mean anything to you, then that is a conversation for another day. However, at some point + in some way, those activities did serve you. So be gentle with yourself. No harsh judgement or regret. I truly believe that life is handing us lessons to learn in every moment + until you learn the lesson, you can’t move forward. So if you are having a major aha, it’s a time for celebration! You have grasped the lesson + are ready to move forward! Let’s re-design your life with things worthy of being described as full, rich, vibrant, peaceful — whatever your words are.
Be sure to sign up for my newsletter at www.gemmapuddy.com, watch my videos on YouTube @vibrantlivingwithgemma, + follow me on IG @vibrantlivingwithgemma + @vibrantliving_conversations for my programs + more tips on living fully from your own power!
Sending all the love, light + vibrancy!
I am vibrant. I am worthy. I am free. I am me.