Vibrant Living Conversations


Gemma Puddy Season 3
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00:00 | 24:38

Life can feel heavy, mundane, like a grind, sometimes, right? And personal development can feel like the last thing that you want to do, when you've gotten through everything else on your to-do list. Yet, I truly believe that taking time to celebrate, live from abundance, + choose to see the positive as often as possible, will change your life. Per the law of attraction, you will start magnetizing the positivity that you are choosing to live by for your physical, emotional, intellectual, + spiritual health!

I challenge you to live life as a celebration -- a celebration of your YOUness, of this human adventure, of Mother Earth, of the wonders of living! 

The shift into this way of living includes several activities:

  • Embrace yourself as the unique person, who you are, + get to know her + fall in love with being her. This includes in every aspect from your needs, to your desires + passions, + then celebrate her with rituals like face masks, stretching, nourishing food + drink, 
  • Cherish the small things in life - flowers, trees, new teeth, colorful vegetables, fluffy bunnies, amazing perfume, jangley jewelry, etc.
  •  Choose to celebrate! Each day can pass by as mundane or status quo, if you don't choose to find reasons to celebrate + create magic. From actual holidays to the random holidays, such as Donut Day, Take Your Dog to Work Day, + from small wins at work to another chapter of your book read -- each occurrence can be a chance for a dance party, a smile or hug to yourself, a sticker, a piece of chocolate, a run, another spray of hydrosol -- you get to decide, but let's keep the rewards balanced healthily, hehe. 

Be the light. Live the light. Cherish the light as the path to true joy. xo

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter at, watch my videos on YouTube @vibrantlivingwithgemma, + follow me on IG @vibrantlivingwithgemma + @vibrantliving_conversations for my programs + more tips on living fully from your own power!

Sending all the love, light + vibrancy!


I am vibrant. I am worthy. I am free. I am me.