Vibrant Living Conversations
LET's LIVE VIBRANTLY! As a life coach whose goal is to empower women to live their best lives, I’m excited to bring you tools, tips + local experts to help you ditch the autopilot living + glow from the inside-out by stepping into your true power -- who you are, what matters to you, + how you want to dance through this life, root to crown!
Vibrant Living Conversations
Heart-Centered, Not Chasing Unicorns
The heart space of your body is so much greater + more powerful than a single organ in your chest. Yes, the sheer act of beating + keeping you alive is epic, hehe, but beyond that, your peaceful, joyful heart emanates light to the world + magnetizes it back to you (law of attraction); she bridges your life in this physical world with the extensive world of purpose + growth above; + ultimately, she allows you to feel, give + receive infinite love + that love can bring harmony to every cell of your body.
In this episode, I talk about heart-centered living compared to head-centered living -- what it looks + feels like to tap into your nurturing, soulful heart for guidance...not to chase unicorns, but to live from your own power on this journey of life.
Is your heart space radiating your inner joy + passion for life; shining a mediocre beam of hope as you seek for more; or sending a glare that’s been dulled by the energy of other’s opinions, expectations, + needs?
I’d love to know what came up for you! And as always, if you are craving support + a listening heart as you design your vibrant life, I'm here. Email, call or DM me to set up a complimentary consultation.
Be sure to sign up for my newsletter at www.gemmapuddy.com, watch my videos on YouTube @vibrantlivingwithgemma, + follow me on IG @vibrantlivingwithgemma + @vibrantliving_conversations for my programs + more tips on living fully from your own power!
Sending all the love, light + vibrancy!
I am vibrant. I am worthy. I am free. I am me.